Reflection On Social Media
When I was in middle school, Facebook and Instagram began to surface, along with iPhones. Left and right, my peers began to pull up Facebook on their laptops and download Instagram on their smartphones. It felt as though everyone in my grade was downloading the new social media apps, while I was not.
In sixth and seventh grade, I of course had a super cool phone that slid up to reveal a full keyboard. Did I mention I had a red phone case? The coolest thing I could do with my phone besides texting was playing Tetris. That was actually the only game on my phone. I didn't really think about social media until my friends started to get their own accounts. I can remember going to one of my best friend's house and pulling up Facebook on their home computer. I wasn't too enthralled with Facebook, but when Instagram became more known, that's when I wanted my own account.
Near the end of middle school, I had an iPhone. I was so excited to have a touchscreen and play Doodle Jump. While everyone was also playing Doodle Jump and various other popular games during that time, people were uploading grainy, weirdly filtered Instagram photos. I remember asking my parents if I could have the social media app. The answer was no.
I left the idea of social media behind and entered high school. I was too busy with my dance classes and studying for exams that I kind of forgot about the app. Near the end of freshman year, I grew a love for watching fashion and beauty YouTube videos. The more I became interested in fashion, my career dreams started to shift from being a roller coaster designer to a creative director for a magazine. Junior year of high school, I became a part of my high school's yearbook team. This led me to like fashion and writing even more. Being a part of yearbook led me to wanting to be a part of a magazine.
Instagram finally was allowed to be downloaded to my phone after I participated in a program with Seventeen Magazine the summer before my senior year of high school. There, I learned for my career path that it is important to stay on top of social media platforms. While I have enjoyed using social media apps, I have found that it can have positive and negative impacts.
When, if at all, did you start to use social media accounts? In what ways has social media changed communication skills? Do you think social media will be used more, less, or the same in the future?
I also remember when Instagram was becoming big. My first phone was a Razer phone and as the youngest in my family, I had to see my three older sisters get the iPhone when it first came out. It wasn't until I was around 13 or 14 when I first started my Instagram account. It has definitely affected the way I perceive myself and let me know what everyone is up to. Social media is a way to let the world know what you're doing, what places you've seen, or how you're feeling. I think social media will be used more in the future as it's continually expanding and people seem to enjoy it.