Final Thoughts

 This class is coming to an end. I know that our brains are fried. So, I want to know what important things do you plan to take from this class and utilize in your life. For me, personally, I plan to keep the push,pull, advocate thing in my back pocket when it's time for family gatherings. It is a good thing to have someone kind of push back on your beliefs as long as it is done respectfully. It's fine to disagree with someone's views on certain matters. It becomes a problem when you won't listen to another perspective that does not agree with yours. Are you going to utilize any of the information from this class when there is a disagreement? Do you think that it would make a difference in the discourse if you did? Yes or no, why or why not?


  1. I definitely think this course developed my ability to understand public discourse, especially the rhetoric of it all! I think normally when I hear terrible discourse, like the presidential debates or Fox News, I intentionally ignore it and shut it out from my head. This course, however, has showed me the importance of listening, even if the information is misinformation. I definitely agree that it is important to have people that challenge your beliefs in respectful ways. I feel like that is how we grow as a community. This course has helped me develop a sense of analysis towards rhetoric in public discourse so I am more willing to listen to something so I may analyze it afterwards instead of fighting against it. If everyone opened their minds and respectfully listened to each other's different ideas, we would have a much better society with more open conversations and more diversity.

  2. I know that I will be using what I learned in this class in the future. I also like the push, pull, advocate thing. It was really interesting to read about and keeping it in the back of my mind when dealing with family has been helpful since learning about it. Public discourse is one of those things that you could say "yeah I totally know what that is" but when asked to describe it not many people can with any definitive answer. I can know better explain and analyze public discourse so I can learn and grow instead of struggling to find what I want to say without being disrespectful. I agree that even one person knowing more about public discourse could help make a difference because we could have better more open conversations about issues.

  3. There's many things I'll be pulling from this class, but the one that comes to mind immediately is trying to understand others and where they come from. I've heard it plenty of times, but actually understanding it is a whole other thing. Everyone has their own views for a reason and no one is inherently evil, so the least I can do is allow the benefit of the doubt.

  4. I think there a many things I will pull from this class to improve my discourse with others. I think I will definitely try to integrate the "speak the truth, but not to punish" mentality. I will recognize better my own cognitive dissonance even if it is slight. I think I will try to find a news source that is not all about sensationalism, but this will be hard.

  5. There was a lot of great stuff from this class I'll probably use in a lot of different situations. I really like to listen to other people's perspectives, but I usually have trouble expressing my own clearly. I really like the whole thing about truthing without looking down on someone else for their beliefs. Seeing a person with a different opinion as a chance to come to an understanding and not as an opportunity to argue with an enemy is super important when it comes to discussion.

  6. After signing up for this class, I had no idea what I was going into. I had no prior knowledge of public discourse; what it was, how to analyze it, or how to even write it. After finishing up this semester, I've now learned all these things. With that, I'm very excited to use what I learned from this class with all the different forms of public discourse I come across. If possible, I would like to expand my knowledge on Public Discourse and take more classes similar to this one in the future. As I wrap up my final thoughts, it's been a stressful yet fun semester and I enjoyed listening to all the discussions that took place in the classes. I also enjoyed hearing everyone's analysis over Public discourse in the group projects.


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